2 line Poetry Shayari – Make sure your food is good
2 line Poetry Shayari
Make sure your food is good
(halal and bought with halal earnings),
and you will be one whose prayers are answered.
If things r happening
according to ur wish,
u r lucky!
But if they r not,
u r very lucky,
Bcoz they r hapning
according to God?s wish!
Prayer is a free outgoing call to GOD,
no network or battery problem,
always good signal & all messages sent.
Make prayer a habit and
remember me in your prayer.
Eat together and not separately,
for the blessings is associated with the company.
(Ibn Majah).
It is part of the Sunna that
A man should accompany his guest
to the door of the house.
(Ibn Majah, Baihaqi).
Allah did not promise
Days without pain,
Laughter without sorrow,
Sun without rain.
But he did promise:
Strength for the day,
Comfort for the tears,
and light for our ways.
Pay attention to Allah
He will pay attention to you.